Sending Your Email

Send your emails at the click of a button... or schedule a timed delivery

Choosing when to send your email is important. Recipients are probably too busy on a Monday morning to take too much notice of what you send them; instead, time the delivery of your message so it arrives at the most opportune moment.

Advanced sending features in iceMailer include:

  • scheduling your email delivery to the minute using iceMailer scheduled send feature
  • segmenting your distribution list so you can send targeted mailings to well-defined groups. For instance, you might segment your mailing list according to a geographic or demographic criterion (such as Gender, Age, Location etc.) and then target only those individuals with a customised message
  • targeting recipients based on past behaviour, so that only those recipients who previously opened email A get sent a copy of email B, for instance
  • allowing you to set up triggered emails which are sent automatically by iceMailer as a follow-up to a recipient's response to your main email

Automated "House Keeping"

iceMailer takes care of any "unsubscribe" requests and any "bounce-back" emails for you, keeping your own Inbox clutter-free and saving you the time and trouble involved in keeping your mailing list up-to-date.

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